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Brain trauma, Psychosis and a Meaningful Life. Purchase: mail susanna@carolusson.se Pris 200:- sek inkl moms.
PublicationsCarolusson, Susanna (1984). Förskolebarn med förväntade skolsvårigheter: en deskriptiv behandlingsstudie, Psykologiska Inst., Examensarbete, Göteborgs universitet. Carolusson, S. (1990) The Constance Congress; values and impressions. Hypnos, vol 17, 4. 1990: 183-189. Carolusson, S. (1993) Svårt att skilja symboldramaterapeut från hypnosterapeut. PsykologTidningen, nr. 6, 1993. Carolusson, S. (1993) True and false memories from the 6th ESH Congress of Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine. Hypnos, vol. 20. 1993: 187-197. Karilampi, U. & Carolusson, S. (1995) Marie: a single case study of multiple personality. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 49. 1995: 133-139. Carolusson, S. & Karilampi, U. (1996) Marie: A Case of Dissociated Identity. Hypnos, vol. 23, 1. 1996: 30-38. Carolusson, S. (1996) Introjektiva Projektioner: från ett seminarium med Ludvig Igra. Insikten, nr 1-1996, 30-31. Carolusson, S. (1996) Hypnosterapi. Insikten, nr 3-1996, 30-33. Carolusson, S. (1996) Hypnosis: Science, Art or What? Hypnos, vol. 23,4. 1996: 176-180. Carolusson, S. (1996) Marie: A Case of Dissociated Identity. In Peter, B. et al. (Ed.): Munich Lectures on Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. Hypnosis International Monographs nr 2. Carolusson, S. (1998) L’hypnose: une science, un art ou quoi d’autre? Hypnose, Bulletin, vol. 8, 1. Bern. Carolusson, S. (2002) Det finns
någon därinne: om vård, värde och värderingar vid förvärvad hjärnskada.
Lund: Studentlitteratur. 231 p. Carolusson, S. (2003) Hypnos och Överföring i behandling av depression. Insikten, nr 1-2003, 36-43. Liscano, A. & Carolusson, S. (2004) Psykoterapin i globaliseringstider. Insikten, nr 1-2004, 49-51. Carolusson, S. (2004) Motöverföring. PsykologTidningen, nr 15. Carolusson, S. (2005) Att möta och mötas i kris. In: Jag är fortfarande jag. Udd, L & Ödman, K (Ed) Sthlm: Trafik- och Polioskadades Riksförbund.
Carolusson, S. (2006) Evidens – enligt vems vetenskapsteori?. Psykologtidningen nr 9-2006, s 25.
Carolusson, S. (2007) Fria associationer och hypnos. Insikten, nr 4-2007 Carolusson, S. (2009) Om marknadsföring av psykoterapi. Insikten 1/09. Carolusson, S. L'abilità della donna di superare gli ostacoli. I: Casula, C (red.) (2009) Le Scarpe della Principessa. Donne e l'arte di diventare se stesse. Milano: FrancoAngeli/Le Comete. www.francoangeli.it. Såld i över 1 000 exemplar i oktober 2009!
Carolusson, S. (2010). There is someone in there. Mexico: Alom Editores.
On line.
Boken kan beställas från www.bokus.com eller www.litenupplaga.se/735. "Jag kan konstatera att boken verkligen berörde mig mycket. Vilken fin berättelse det är om nära relationer och vad goda relationer betyder för självaktningen, för alla människor. Något annat jag tar med mig är författarens skarpa analyser av hur man kan förstå vad som sker vid psykos, att det finns en kommunikation i psykosen som kan gå att göra begripligt med ett utvecklingspsykologisk och psykodynamiskt perspektiv. Med ett mer relationellt perspektiv på symtom går det också att minska ner på medicinering vilket kan ge ökad livskvalitet, vilket blir tydligt." Tony Johnson, leg psykolog på Arbetsförmedlingen, avd. rehab till arbete, Göteborg
Carolusson, S. (2011). Brain Trauma and Communication. I: Varga, Katalin (Editor) Beyond the Words. Communication and Suggestion in Medical Practice. Nova Science. www.novapublishers.com. Även på ungerska 2011, info: medkiad@euroweb.hu. Carolusson, S. Dynamisk hypnos, psykosomatik och evidensbasering; exempel IBS. I: Gerge. A. (2011) Klinisk hypnos vid smärtbehandling – metod och evidens. Sthlm: Insidan. Carolusson, S. (2012) Terapeuten som Auktoritet. Insikten, nr 12-2012, 32-40. Carolusson, S. (2012) How I Use Analytical Analysis in Hypnosis to Treat Burnout, American Society of Clinical hypnosis newsletter, 3. (Title error: Should be How I use analytical hypnosis…) Carolusson, S. (2014) Dynamic hypnosis, IBS, and the Value of Individualizing Treatment: A Clinical Perspective. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, vol. 62, issue 2, 2014, pp 145-163. Taylor and Francis. Also available online: www.tandfonline.com
Carolusson S & Sandemose H (2017) Hypnosis and Ego State Therapy. HypnoKairos webzine no 6. Carolusson, S. (2020) Valaki van odabenn.
Medicina kiadó Zrt. Budapest. Susanna Carolusson, Mamma var psykopat, jag blev psykolog. Visto förlag, 2022.
Mother Was a Psychopath: I Became a Psychologist. Eticspress, 2024.
Carolusson, S. (2024) Epilepsy, Stroke and Psychoses after Traumatic Barain Injury. In: Julie H. Linden, Giuseppe De Benedettis, Laurence I. Sugarman, Katalin Varga: Routledge International Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis (Chapter 49). Taylor & Frances Group. Invited lecturer at congresses or professional societies1996: Budapest. 7th ESH Congress. 1. Hypnosis; Science, Art or What? Art perspective. 2. Clinical competence, clinician’s awareness. 1997: San Diego. ISH Congress. Hypnosis in the Treatment of Depression. 1997: Swiss Society of Hypnosis, Zürich. 1. Stress management. 2. Hypnosis in the management of pain. 1998: Swiss Society of Hypnosis, Lausanne. Hypnosis in the treatment of Psychosomatic Disorders. 1999: Nordwijkerhout. The Netherlands. 8th ESH Congress. Stress Management. 2000: Munich. 15th ISH Congress. Educational standards for hypnotherapists. Panel. 2001: Gothenburg. ICPM World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine. Panel chairman for presentations and discussion on psychological treatments of IBS. 2001: Bulgaria, Sofia University, How to combine cognitive, psychodynamic and educational psychotherapy in the treatment of pain. 2. Demonstration of hypnosis and theory for understanding. 2002: International Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, Gothenburg. 1. Chairing paper presentations on psychological methods in Pain management. 2. Own Paper presentation: Integrative hypnotic approaches in the treatment of Psychosomatic disorders. 2003: Rome: 9th ESH Congress. Transference and Countertransference issues in hypnotherapy. 2004: Norway, Oslo. 1st Nordic Congress of Hypnosis. 1. Clinical experience on the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in a research at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. 2. Therapeutic competence in the interviewing session with difficult patients. 2006: Malta. 10th ESH Congress. Presentations: 1. Treatment of Performance Anxiety. 2. How to conduct a clinical interview. Pain management from an Ericksonian perspective. 3. Does Freud’s Basic Countertransference mean anything in Contemporary Psychotherapy? 4. Psychosomatic medicine: a wide spectrum. 2006: Italy, Milan. 2 days seminar on How to heal yourself. Obstacles and resources. 2008: Nepal, 5th Intern German-Nepalese Congress in Medicine. Trauma treatment. Brain injury. Family counselling. 2008: Denmark, Copenhagen. Danish Psychologists Association. Stress related disease and hypnosis. Two days seminar.
Klicka på bilden för mer information. 2008: Austria, Vienna. ESH Congress: member of the Scientific Advisory Board. 1. Womens Voices – psychotherapy. 2. Brain injury and trauma treatment. Panels, invited as an internationally reknowned expert: 1. Ethics in hypnotherapy. 2. How to educate in hypnotherapy. 2009: Italy, Rome. XVIII ISH International Congress Sept 2009 [Invitation/programme] 2009, Feb, 7-8: Malmö. Swedish and Danish Societies of
Hypnosis. Invited as Key Note Speaker. Hypnosis and stress management:
Psychological interview for assessment of 2009, March 6: Gothenburg. West Swedish Pain Congress. Hypnosis and Pain. 2009, Sept: Rome. XVIII International Congress. International Society of Hypnosis. Dynamic Hypnosis & IBS. 2010, Feb: Sun City and Cape Town, Stellenbosch. MEISA Congress. Changing Faces of psychotherapy. Mina seminarier: 1. Brain Trauma and Psychological Aspects. 2. Ego State Therapy. 2011, April 4. London Royal Society of Medicine. 2011, April 9. Tampere Finland. Society of Scientific Hypnosis. How to educate in hypnosis. Burn Out Syndrome. 2011, April 30-May 1. Köbenhavn. Psykologfagligt Selskap for Klinisk Hypnose. Att behandla stressrelaterade besvär med hypnose. www.klinisk-hypnose.org. 2011, 25 maj: Det finns någon närvarande. Om hjärnskada, integritet, regression och bemötande. Redbergsteatern, Göteborg. Arr: Passal assistans. En heldag med tre föreläsare. 2011, Aug 17-20: Istanbul. ESH Congress Hypnosis. Key Note Adress. 2011, Nov 23-27: Heidelberg. Ego State Therapy. 2012, Okt 17–21: Bremen. Inetrnational Congress Hypnosis. Carolusson, S: Seminar 1: We were asked to present how it is to be an influential woman, who inspired us, what is our own contributions in the field of hypnosis. Seminar 2: Ego State Therapy. The man who sacrificed his integrity. 2012, Nov 23-27: Deutsche Gemeinschaft für Hypnose. Bad Lippspringe. Carolusson: Key note adress: Brain Trauma and a meaningful life. Symposium 2: Burnout and hypnosis. 2014 June 12-15: Cracow, presented workshops and lectures. WS: Ego State Therapy. Lecture: Brain Trauma; rehabilitation and care. 2014, Oct., Sorrento: presented lectures on Ego State Therapy and Brain Trauma and PTSD, an insight and strengthening treatment approach.
2015, Oct. Paris: chaired and discussed two colleagues case presentations on transference issues in egostate therapy. 2015, Nov. Heidelberg: Presented Ego state therapy and transference issues. Guided exercises in workshop. 2016, Feb. Mabula South Africa. Presents a workshop on Imagery and Dream work. 2017, 30 March - 5 April Lodz / Warszawa, Polen. Ego State Therapy. Basic training, part 3. Lectures. Group- and Individual supervision. 2017, 23-27 August. Manchester. European Society of
Hypnosis. 2018 Sept International Society of Hypnosis, Montreal. Workshop and demonstration Ego State Therapy. 2019, June. Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Ontario div. Integrating Psychodynamic theory, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Ego State therapy. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021: manager of a clinical hypnosis training for a new ESH constituent society in Russia: Hypnosis Society in Russia: Association of Experts in the Field of Clinical Hypnosis. Regular workshops in St Petersburg, Master Class and final exams in 2021. 2019 Oct and 2020 Sept: Ego State Therapy, advanced program for certification. Teacher and supervisor in Lodz, Poland. 2020, 0ct 15th. Invited speaker at congress arranged by the Russian Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Future Hypnosis. Ethical considerations. Can be purchased as video. February 13th 2021. British Society of Clinical and Academic Hypnosis. Mini workshop: How we listen and how we utilise what we perceive. References in the area of teaching and supervising those who do habilitation or rehabilitation with disabled1999: Supervising staff at a home for disabled. SDF Centrum, Göteborg. 2002- cont: Supervising personal assistants. SDF Lundby, Göteborg. 2002-2004: Supervising work therapists at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, dep. of neurology. 2003: Supervising individually the coordinator of the “Lots-project” re how to practise the Law for Support and Service to the disabled, Västra Götalandsregionen. 2003- cont: Supervising staff teams at Frösunda Daily Activities, Göteborg. 2004- cont. Supervising personal assistants, Community of Göteborg. 2006- 2007: Supervising occupational therapists, Community of Mölndal. 2008: Supervising personal assistants Community of Mölndal. 2009 Dahlheimers Hus "Att Leva hela livet 2009", 10 november. Tema Kommunikation – förvärvade hjärnskador. 2010 Dahlheimers Hus "Att Leva hela livet 2010", 8 oktober. Förlust, PTSD och förvärvad hjärnskada. 2011, maj. Passal, Redbergsteatern. Temat var integritet, bemötande och funktionshinder. 2011-10-31 Furuboda Folkhögskola, Åhus. ½ dags föreläsning och ½ dag panelsamtal. From 2009 and on I have been consulted for regular teachings, consultations and supervision of health, care and community staff by Gothenburg Community, by Gothenburg Independent Living and other private institutes. |
Teaching Seminars on professionality; approach, crisis reactions and values.Target groups: Personell working with disabled people, rehabilitation and personal assistance. Relatives and disabled. February 2001: GR, Göteborgsregionens Union for the Community employees. May 2002: Dalheimers Hus, Göteborg. 16/5 2002: GR, Göteborgsregionens Union for the Community employees. May 2003: CKU, (Center for Competence Development) Stockholm. Invited speaker on a conference on traumatic Brain injuries. Oct 2003: Fröet Activity Center, Malmö Community. 2004- cont. Supervising psychotherapy students for SSCH. Feb 2005: Furuboda Folkhögskola, Åhus April 2005: Bräcke Diakoni, Gothenburg. Dec 2005: Lecturing on life crises for Vasaskolan, students and staff at a private school in Gothenburg. Jan 2006: Invited discussion partner on a full day seminar with experts and journalists re reasons for contemporary unhealth in our society. Gothenburg University Oct 2006: Hypnodontology. Region of Halland, professionals in Dentistry. Oct 2006: VitaNova Assistans. Växjö. Nov 2006: Mölndal Community. Nov 2006: Dalheimers Hus, Gothenburg. May 2007. Å-hemmet. Full day seminar with Odontology personell for handicapped patients. Sept 2007: Dalheimers Hus, Gothenburg. May 2008. Kathmandu, Nepal. Sept 2008: Wien, Austria. Nov 2008: Frösunda, Göteborg. In 2021 I retired from my last contract as headmaster
of SSCH educational programs. 2023-2024 I am back again, as headmaster of the SSCH
training program. Elected for office duties1987–1993: SSCEH (Swedish Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis), president of western component. 1990–1994: SSCEH, director of a 3 years basic teaching program for hypnosis in medicine, psychology, dentistry and psychotherapy. 1994–2005: SSCEH, director of a 3–4 years licensing post-graduate training in psychotherapy with hypnosis. 1996–2013: Member of the editorial board of Hypnos, – until 2000 also the Journal of European Society of Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine. 1996–2012: Swedish delegate of the Council of Representatives in ISH (International Society of Hypnosis). 1997: Elected honorary member of SSCEH, western component. 2003–2008: Co-editor of We & the World, a column in Hypnos- the Journal of European Society of Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine with the aim of building European and international bridges of understanding. 2004–still: Chairman of the Milton Erickson Foundation for Science and Research 2004: Honorary member of SSCH. “For outstanding contribution for the promotion of hypnosis…for having renewed and developed the education in hypnosis with great knowledge and as a lecturer having made hypnosis known and respected in Sweden and other countries”. 2005: Elected to become a Board member, member of the Advisory Council of IABMCP (the International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Counceling and Psychotherapy), Colorado, USA. 2006–2009, march: President of SSCH, Swed Soc of Clinical Hypnosis. 2006–2017: SSCH repr in Council of Representatives in ESH (European Society of Hypnosis). Chairman of the Milton Erickson Foundation for Science and Research. 2007–2008: Member of the Advisory scientific board of 11th European Congress of Hypnosis, Vienna 2008. 2011– : member of the Founding committee of ESTI, Ego State Therapy International, elected to coordinate training standards. 2011– : member of the International Board of Ego State Therapy International. 2012–March 2016: vice president of ESTI, Ego State Therapy International. 2012– : In the Committee for ISH individual membership criteria and criteria for attending ISH congresses. 2012-cont.: In the International Society of Hypnosis Credentials Committee for membership applications. International Congress of Hypnosis, Paris 2015; invited as member of the International Scientific Committee 2016– : member of the Scientific Committee of a professional internet publisher: HypnoKairos: www.hypnokairos.com. 2017–2018: Member of the International Society of Hypnosis 2018 Awarding Committee.
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